2024. Season 2024 runs from May, when the apple trees are in blossom, to October when nature provides rich hues of colour.

Group visits

Groups of 10 or more can visit the museum by prior appointment by sending an email to info@purvitis.lv


Visits for schoolchildren

Groups of schoolchildren can visit the museum by prior appointment by sending an email to info@purvitis.lv
Price: EUR 5 per person


There is no public transport connection to the museum. We invite you to use individual transport. It is recommended to use the road “Zaube-Kliģene”, see the map.


Car parking is available during the Museum’s main open-air exhibition – from May, when the apple trees are in blossom, to October when nature provides rich hues of colour.

For buses

In order to protect the beautiful and historic linden alley planted by the family of Vilhelms Purvītis, we kindly ask visitors to leave the buses at the end of the alley and park the buses 1.3 km away from the “Vecjauži” house on the Latvian State Forest Road.



Open space and accessibility

The Museum’s open-air exhibition is located in the wild and the Museum is under development, so please note that the Museum is currently not accessible to persons with reduced mobility

From November to April, the roads to Purvītis Museum can be impassable.